
K4D Helpdesk Report

Role of Business in Tackling Modern Slavery in Supply Chains

Published on 31 March 2017

This review of the role of business in tackling modern slavery in supply chains focuses on academic literature, though some reports by development organisations are included.

Since the available academic literature is extremely limited, the report is not presented as a conventional evidence review, but rather is organised by aspects of the theme: prevalence of modern slavery in supply chains, pressures on firms to tackle this, challenges in doing so and different approaches, and evidence from initiatives to date. For each aspect, the main points made in the literature are given.

Cite this publication

Idris, I. (2017). Role of Business in Tackling Modern Slavery in Supply Chains. K4D Helpdesk Research Report series. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.

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Institute of Development Studies
Idris, Iffat


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