
Case Summary No.13

RSF Social Finance: Transforming the Way the World Works with Money

Published on 31 March 2020

RSF Social Finance is a public benefit financial services organisation dedicated to transforming the way the world works with money. RSF offers investing, lending, and giving services to individuals and enterprises committed to improving society and the environment. The example of RSF provides valuable lessons of how to facilitate meaningful and direct relationships across sectors and among diverse stakeholders within a structure of disciplined investment practice. It is unique in that it holds quarterly pricing meetings for its borrowers and investors to discuss and influence interest and spread rates, rather than use the commonly-accepted LIBOR rates. Together the group gains insight into each other’s financial needs, priorities, and plans. Introduction.

Cite this publication

Cannon, M.; Thorpe, J. and Lopez-Franco, E. (2020) 'RSF Social Finance: Transforming the Way the World Works with Money', Case Summary No.13, Brighton: IDS


Mariah Cannon

Research Officer

Erika López Franco

Research Officer

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