
Evidence Report 34

The BRICS Countries and the Changing Nature of the International Development Policy Landscape: IDS Rising Powers in International Development Advisory Council Discussion

Published on 1 October 2013

This document presents a summary of a discussion held on 4 December, 2012, between six members of the Advisory Council of the IDS Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) programme.

The discussion was held in the DFID offices in London. The aim was to use Council members’ expertise to map the global policy landscape in relation to a number of key topic areas affecting the BRICS countries.

The discussion formed part of a day of meetings between IDS staff, Advisory Council members, and DFID staff with the aims of: Discussing preliminary results of scoping studies by IDS staff; Continuing to facilitate the sharing and learning of experiences in international development and policy, from and amongst the BRICS; and Obtaining feedback from the expert Advisory Council on the IDS RPID programme.

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Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) Programme, IDS (2013) 'The BRICS Countries and the Changing Nature of the International Development Policy Landscape: IDS Rising Powers in International Development Advisory Council Discussion', IDS Evidence Report 34, Brighton: IDS

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Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) Programme, IDS
IDS Evidence Report, issue 34


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