
Evidence Report 42

The Health of Women and Girls in Urban Areas with a Focus on Kenya and South Africa: A Review

Published on 1 November 2013

This thematic review focuses on a range of health challenges faced in particular by women and girls living in low-income urban settlements in expanding cities in Kenya and South Africa.

The review has been compiled as part of a larger body of work being conducted by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and its partners on gender and international development and financed by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).

The review was preceded by a literature search (using keywords to reflect the thematic focus) of key databases of published literature, as well as a search for grey literature and documents describing interventions aimed at addressing these health challenges. An online discussion hosted by IDS gave a further indication of current debates and assisted in the identification of interventions.

Cite this publication

Hawkins, K., MacGregor, H. and Oronje, R. (2013) 'The Health of Women and Girls in Urban Areas with a Focus on Kenya and South Africa: A Review', IDS Evidence Report 42, Brighton: IDS

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published by
Hawkins, K., MacGregor, H. and Oronje, R.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 42


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