
The Indonesian Sub-National Growth and Governance Dataset – Stata 11 Format

Published on 22 March 2011

It is widely believed that good local economic governance is important for boosting local economic performance. A research project, funded by Ausaid, and led by Dr. Neil McCulloch at the Institute of Development Studies in the UK, set out to test whether indeed this is the case. It did so by compiling a unique dataset which draws together data on the economic characteristics and performance of Indonesia’s districts (Kabupaten/Kota) between the years 2001 and 2007 along with data from a 2007 survey by KPPOD/Asia Foundation which measured the quality of economic governance at the district level. This document gives background information to assist researchers to use the dataset for their own research. The dataset is in a zipped STATA 11 format.

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McCulloch, N.


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