
IDS Policy Briefing 104

Towards More Inclusive Strategies to Address Gender-Based Violence

Published on 1 November 2015

Sexual and gender-based violence is persistent and devastating, rooted deeply in the lives of men, women, boys and girls globally. Gendered violence does not exist in isolation, and is intertwined with other forms of power, privilege and social exclusion. Processes of marginalisation, unhelpful binary views and institutional discrimination only serve to create, embed, and exacerbate sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Understanding and sharing lessons around the complex social differences that surround SGBV is vital if change is going to happen, and this is particularly with reference to collective action and the role of men and boys. Taking an ‘intersectional analysis’ approach can help to realise the tangled nature of SGBV and how cross-movement alliance building and the sharing of best practice is crucial in tackling this violence.

Cite this publication

Shahrokh, T. (2015) 'Towards More Inclusive Strategies to Address Gender-Based Violence', IDS Policy Briefing 104, Brighton: IDS,


Thea Shahrokh

Research Officer

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published by
Shahrokh, T
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 104


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