Journal Article

Urban Informality and Building a More Inclusive, Resilient and Green Economy

Published on 1 December 2014

The green economy and climate resilience agendas are widely promoted as solutions to 21st century challenges facing sustainable development. As the world continues to urbanise, the role of cities in promoting these agendas is increasingly recognised. Yet, the informal economy – which accommodates the majority of non-agricultural employment in low- and middle-income countries – is seldom considered in the transition to a greener, more resilient economy.

This paper aims to provoke discussions around two main questions: What is the role of the urban informal economy in this transition? And, how can urban informal enterprises and their workers contribute to achieving economies that are not only greener and more resilient, but also more inclusive?


Gordon McGranahan

Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
Brown, D., McGranahan, G. and Dodman, D.
Human Settlements Group


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