Journal Article

Water Governance Challenges in Rural South Africa: Exploring Institutional Coordination in Drought Management

Published on 16 May 2020

Droughts have severe direct impacts on the livelihoods of rural populations. Thus, the management of water for communal agriculture and water supply should be well coordinated to enhance drought resilience. Notwithstanding the interrelations among water management institutions in South Africa, there are complexities in the way these institutions work together, both in preparation for, and during drought times. In this article, we examine the governance of water resources in South Africa with a view to understanding institutional coordination in drought management at different operational scales. Using a qualitative approach, the roles and relationships between water actors at the local and regional level were analyzed for their adequacy in building local level drought resilience in a village in the Limpopo province, South Africa. Key informant interviews conducted revealed operational drought management challenges that emanate from communication barriers, coordination inconsistences, and undefined, unclear actor roles and responsibilities during disasters.

Cite this publication

Makaya, E.; Rohse, M.; Day, R.; Vogel, C.; Mehta, L.; McEwen, L.; Rangecroft, S. and Van Loon, L. (2020) 'Water Governance Challenges in Rural South Africa: Exploring Institutional Coordination in Drought Management', Water Policy 22 (2020) 519–540


Lyla Mehta

Professorial Fellow

Eugine Makaya
Melanie Rohse
Rosie Day
Coleen Vogel
Lindsey McEwen
Sally Rangecroft
Anne Van Loon

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South Africa

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