Journal Article


A Dictatorship with an Islamic Reference

Published on 1 January 2013

This article argues that the Muslim Brotherhood’s growing monopolization of political power in Egypt witnessed since the parliamentary and presidential elections does not only suggest a shift towards authoritarianism but a particular brand of Islamist totalitarianism.

Our understanding of the Muslim Brotherhood’s policies since coming to power has been hindered by insufficient attention given to the movement’s political thought, notwithstanding the need to avoid teleological approaches to the study of a highly dynamicpolitical actor in a changing national and regional context.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s idea of an Islamic state is one that grants the ruler a religiousand political role and which blurs the lines between the executive, judiciary and legislative branches of the states, favours theocratic constitutionalism and the special positioning of the clergy in governance processes. Two key strategic policies championed by the Muslim Brotherhood are evoked to illustrate the shift towards the institution of such an Islamic state: the constitution agreed by the Islamist-dominated constituent assembly and the edicts issued by President Mohammed Morsi on November 22nd, 2012.


Mariz Tadros

Director (CREID)

Publication details

published by
Deutsche Orient-Stiftung / German Orient-Foundation
Tadros, M.
Orient, volume 1, issue 2013


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