Journal Article


Asia 2015: Sustaining Growth and Ending Poverty

Published on 1 May 2006

Asia has witnessed an unprecedented period of growth and poverty reduction over the past decade. By 2015 absolute poverty in Asia could be halved and eradicated altogether a decade later. But while there are strong prospects for continued progress these are by no means assured.

Asian countries face a number of challenges which could throw growth and poverty reduction off-track (despite emerging global players like China and India). Growth alone cannot eradicate poverty without public action by governments in the region to tackle problems of exclusion, marginalisation and the threat of rising inequality.

This IDS Bulletin brings together ten articles that examine threats to sustained growth and suggest ways in which potential challenges might best be mitigated through conscious policy choice and public action under the leadership of Asian governments. Three common threads underpin the articles: recognition that the solutions and policies for mitigating risk and building on opportunities emanate primarily from the region; and that national governments are the key actors in developing innovative ideas, formulating policies, and raising and deploying resources.

Lastly and importantly, potential for developing enduring partnerships (with the private sector, non-governmental organisations, donors and multilateral financial institutions). This IDS Bulletin (and the companion issue of Development Policy Review) highlight a range of ways that intensified cooperation can help to sustain further progress in the coming decade.

Table of contents

Introduction: Asia 2015: Sustaining Growth and Ending Poverty (pdf) Mark Robinson and John Farrington

Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-poor Growth Stephen Bass and Paul Steele

Financial Vulnerability in Asia Stephany Griffith-Jones and Ricardo Gottschalk

Infrastructure Challenges in East and South Asia Stephen Jones

Growth and the Investment Climate: Progress and Challenges for Asian Economies Lauren M. Phillips

Poverty, Social Exclusion and the MDGs: The Challenge of “Durable Inequalities” in the Asian Context Naila Kabeer

Demographic Transition in Asia and its Consequences Athar Hussain, Robert Cassen and Tim Dyson

Internal Migration, Poverty and Development in Asia: Including the Excluded Priya Deshingkar

Urbanisation, Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction in Asia Malcolm Jack

Institutions and Service Delivery in Asia Anuradha Joshi

Governance and State Effectiveness in Asia Hossain Zillur Rahman and Mark Robinson


Naila Kabeer

Emeritus Fellow

Anuradha Joshi

Interim Director of Research

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Publication details

published by
Robinson, M. and Farrington, J.
Mark Robinson and John Farrington
IDS Bulletin, volume 37, issue 3


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