Join IDS for an exciting exhibition exploring diverse art work about humanitarian protection in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Art is seeing a powerful resurgence amongst researchers, activists and humanitarian practitioners. Interdisciplinary projects are using photography, theatre, dance, percussion, music, painting, poetry, writing and more to explore and share research.
This event exhibits some of the incredible and captivating art work created as part of the project New Community-Informed Approaches to Humanitarian Protection and Restraint. The project mobilised 15 artists from the areas in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to contribute to our research on protection, and create unique artistic pieces in their various disciplines: photography, theatre, dance, percussion, music, painting, writing and slam.
This project, funded under the AHRC-FCDO Collaborative Humanitarian Protection Research Programme, brings together the Institute of Development Studies (IDS); two academic partner organisations in the DRC – the Centre d’etude et de promotion en interventions socio-economiques (CEPRISE) and Institut National des Arts (INA); and the humanitarian/development INGO Action Aid (Action Aid UK and Action Aid DRC).
Join us in an exploration of this art work, and in a discussion with project leads Professor Jeremy Allouche and Dr Gauthier Marchais, who will also introduce the findings and artists.
The exhibit will take place in the Convening Space. Drinks and food will be provided.