About the lecture:
UNCTAD’s 2011 Economic Development in Africa Report examines past attempts to industrialise in Africa and highlights lessons learnt from these experiences. It also provides an up to date overview of the status of industrial development on the continent. The report then argues that a new industrial policy is needed to induce structural transformation and engender development in African economies in the new global environment. The new global environment is characterized by changing international trade rules, growing influence of industrial powers from the South, the internationalization of production, and increasing concerns about climate change. The report advocates a strategic approach to industrial policy-making that includes a framework for industrial strategy design tailored to country-specific circumstances. It also advocates a participatory and collaborative policy-making process with close consultation between the government and the private sector.
About the speaker:
Milasoa Chérel-Robson is an economist in the Investment Policies Branch at UNCTAD. Prior to that she was part of the team working on the 2011 Africa Economic Development Report on “Fostering Industrial Development in Africa in the New Global Environment” and held programme coordination and policy advisory roles in the Commodities Unit. Milasoa brought to UNCTAD ten years of experience in research, policy advocacy and programme management related to African development issues. Milasoa holds a DPhil from IDS, an MA in International Economics also from Sussex and a Licence and Maîtrise in Economics from the Université de la Réunion (France). She is a dual Malagasy/French citizen.