Past Event


Leave no-one behind: Building sustainable inclusion

15 November 2018 17:00–18:30

IDS, Convening Space Insitute of Development Studies
University of Sussex
Library Road

This lecture is part of the Sussex Development Lecture series: Achieving the SDGs: Synergies and Tensions.

Since 2012 researchers from the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change team at IDS, have been working with members of the Participate network to bring perspectives and knowledge generated by people living with poverty and marginalisation, into the SDG process. Between 2012 and 2014, this involved coordinating participatory research to influence the formulation of the SDGs, and the emphasis given to ‘leave no one behind’.

Since the establishment of the SDGs in 2015, work has continued with members of the network to deepen understanding of how intersecting inequalities shape people’s daily lives, and the methods and processes through which they are engaging powerful actors to build accountability for more sustainable inclusion. In this lecture we will share insights regarding the potential and limitations of participatory [action research] processes for engaging in local, national and global policy spaces.


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