Past Event


The Effect of Civil Conflict on Women’s Labour Force Participation: A Causal Mechanism Approach

18 February 2013 13:00–14:30

Library Road,

Dr Jose Gallegos, Research Officer in the Vunerability and Povery Reduction Team, presents his paper on “The Effect of Civil Conflict on Women’s Labour Force Participation: A Causal Mechanism Approach”. This seminar explores the role of domestic violence as a causal mechanism between the exposure to civil conflict violence at early ages and women’s labour force participation during adulthood.

About the Speaker:

Dr Jose Gallegos has a Master in Public Administration and a PhD in Economics from Syracuse University (New York). His main fields of interests are Gender and Labour Economics, Civil Conflicts and Nutrition. Currently, he is working on the implementation of a real time monitoring system of nutritional outcomes using ICTs. In parallel, his research is also focused on the effects of civil conflict exposure on labour outcomes (Peru), domestic violence (Peru), and fertility decisions and child replacement (Nepal). He is also doing research on the effects of the Chilean divorce law on fertility and marital decisions, and on the effect of labour market shocks on intrahousehold time allocation to domestic work in Mexico.


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