Past Event

Working Session – Engaging Men and Boys in Social Norms Change on Women’s Rights and Gender Justice

16 March 2017 17:30–21:00

605 3rd Ave - between 39th & 40th street, New York, USA

Gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment and rights are a cross-cutting concern throughout Agenda 2030, and concrete targets have been set in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This consultation will explore how gender transformative approaches engaging men and boys can contribute to achieving these goals and targets.

Participants will collect promising practices, risks and obstacles, and program and policy recommendations for governments, UN agencies, civil society and private sector. The recommendations will inform an Agenda for Action that is to be launched at the High Level Political Forum in July 2017.

Please complete this online registration form as soon as possible to join this event! (Without registration you will not be able to access the building).

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