Past Event

Youth Employment and Politics Seminars

Youth politics: what to make of critical voices through the pandemic

13 April 2021 14:00–15:30

This webinar will focus on young people’s civic and political action before and during the pandemic, connecting this to debates on civic space. In various countries, lockdowns were accompanied by state violence.

Watch the recording:

The webinar will be relevant for academics, policy makers and practitioners working on youth civic and political engagement; civic space; and youth empowerment,  outlining key research questions and findings, and implications for future policy and practice.

The webinar is the third in our webinar series on youth in Africa and MENA region, which is linked to the IDS Strategic Research Initiative ‘Ensuring decent work and inclusive politics for youth’ and is also part of IDS’ European Engagement Initiative.

Accompanying resources for the event, including biographies and relevant publications, can be found here.


  • Dr. Marjoke Oosterom, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies (IDS). Her research concentrates on how experiences of violence and conflict affect forms of agency, citizenship, and everyday politics and governance. Her specific expertise is on youth politics and youth agency in response to insecurity and violence, and politics in the informal economy. Marjoke leads the IDS Strategic Research Initiative on ‘Ensuring decent work and inclusive politics for youth’. View Marjoke’s presentation here
  • Dr. Nadine Sika, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the American University in Cairo. She was Humboldt Foundation Visiting Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin (2014-2015).  She is the book reviews editor of Mediterranean Politics and is author of Youth Activism and Contentious Politics in Egypt:  Dynamics of Continuity and Change (Cambridge UP, 2017) and co-editor with Eberhard Kienle of the Arab Uprisings:  Transforming and Challenging State Power (I.B. Tauris 2015).  Her recent articles appeared in journals such as Democratization, Political Studies, and the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. View Nadine’s presentation here
  • Prof. Emma Murphy, Professor of Political economy at Durham University. Recently Emma has been working on MENA youth in the contemporary global political economy, working on international and inter-disciplinary collaborations that engage in cross-regional comparative research and deploy a range of quantitative and qualitative methods. She is currently a Co-I on a GCRF project studying young women’s experiences of using and working in the transport sector in Africa through anthropological methods, and a Co-I on a survey project assessing the experiences of young people living under lockdown in the North East of England. View Emma’s presentation here


  • Rafiu Lawal, United Network Of Young Peacebuilders, Regional Co-ordinator for Central and West Africa.
  • Dr. Daniel E. Agbiboa, Assistant Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University


Dr. Dorte Thorsen, Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies.

How to watch

Register to watch on Zoom


Key contacts

Rachel Dixon

Partnerships and Fundraising Officer

+44 (0)1273 915783

Marjoke Oosterom

Power and Popular Politics Cluster Lead


About this event

Programmes and centres
European Engagement Initiative

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