
DevTrends 2018

Published on 8 January 2018

As the world faces unprecended global challenges, what priorities should development researchers, practitioners and policy makers be looking at in 2018? We asked IDS researchers and students to tell us what they thought some of the development trends will be in 2018.

We also want to hear your thoughts, so please share your messages on Twitter: @IDS_UK #DevTrends

Research and Evidence – IDS Director, Melissa Leach


Citizen Voice – IDS Director of Research, John Gaventa


Taxation – IDS Researcher, Rhiannon McCluskey


Humanitarian Aid – IDS Researcher, Ben Ramalingam


Climate Change – IDS Student, Olusola Owonikoko


Mental Health – IDS Researcher, Keetie Roelen


SDG Progression – IDS Researcher, Deepta Chopra


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