
IDS welcomes the SPECTRA Art Collective

Published on 26 July 2022

There are many unseen elements to any spectrum, and autism is no different. Navigating this world and society is a means of study for many within the autistic community. Why are things the way they are? What are the rules and governance structures that we must learn from the ground up? How do we define and interact with the environment around us?

A new exhibition showcasing the work of are local five autistic artists, many of whom have deep ties to IDS and the University of Sussex has just been launched in the IDS gallery space. The exhibition invites the viewers to look through the lens of how those with autism interact and perceive the world around us.

Members of the SPECTRA Art Collective members said:

“Foremost we are artists and being autistic gives us a unique perspective for our creative expression.  We use this outlet to explore and make connections with ourselves, our environment, our community, and today, with you. Come see what so often goes unseen in the various spectra of autistic art.”

“We use our creativity to look for answers, where our shared experiences and perspective as artists bring us together. We invite you to explore the spectra of the creative expression that ties our community together.”

This new exhibition reflects the commitments of IDS to echo the diverse local, national and global voices that we partner with.

The contributing artists all met through the Sussex based Assert Charity, a small local charity in Brighton and Hove that supports both people with autism and their parents, partners and carers. They help autistic adults and their parents, partners or carers by providing advice, information, resources, education, social inclusion, volunteering opportunities and support to improve well-being and reduce isolation.

The IDS exhibition follows the recent Access Open Day exhibition at the Brighton Dome where SPECTRA first showcased their artwork.

For more information, please contact James Andrews [email protected]


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