
Five days left to apply: Mixed methods on poverty and inequality online course

Published on 30 August 2023

There is less than one week left to apply for the IDS-hosted Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) specialist professional course on mixed methods research and evaluations on poverty and inequality.

There are a few spaces on the course left, so make sure you secure yours now!

Find out more and apply

Why study this poverty-focused mixed methods course with IDS?

Mixed methods research and evaluation is key to international development professionals and practitioners’ work – across specialisms.

And while there are already courses available on conducting and applying quantitative analysis, and some on qualitative methods, this new course is unique as it:

  • Has poverty and inequality as its context and focus.
  • Improves the critical understanding and application of mixed methods design, data collection, integrated analysis and communication to inform policy and programming on poverty and inequality.
  • Enables its use for more holistic research and evaluations of policy and programming, and to deepen knowledge on less visible drivers of poverty and inequality amidst contexts of complex, rapid change.
  • Identifies and overcomes common challenges and pitfalls in design, data collection, analysis, and communication.
  • It is delivered through IDS – the number 1 ranking institute in the world for development studies.
  • Brings together highly experienced professionals in Bangladesh, the UK, and Zambia with decades of experience in co-constructing, conducting and delivering mixed methods research and evaluations on poverty and inequality in multi-disciplinary teams.

Discover the full list of expert facilitators

What does this short course cover?

The accredited online course includes the following content:

  • Theories and concepts underlying mixed methods of analysis on poverty and inequality.
  • An overview of quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation methods to understand poverty and inequality, with a focus on their mixing.
  • Applications of these methods to real case study research and evaluations, as well as ways in which this is communicated and used to derive policy and programming implications to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities.

Is this course designed for me?

If you are a:

  • Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods researcher
  • Donor or programme designer
  • NGO or civil society practitioner
  • Government official
  • Evaluator or policy analyst
  • MA or PhD student
  • And at any stage of your career –

then this course could be suitable for you.

We’ve also designed the course with busy practitioners and professionals in mind. So we offer an accessible format mixing online interactive, live, tailored sessions – with flexible offline content – over a period of one month.

The course application deadline is 4 September 2023.

So find out more about our new specialist short course and apply before the deadline:

Apply now

We also have discounts available for small nonprofits (20% off), IDS alumni (20% off), and group bookings (10% off). Find out more about the discounts available – and see if you are eligible – on the course page.

If you have any questions, you can contact the course convenor Vidya Diwakar directly, or contact our dedicated short courses team.

Key contacts

Vidya Diwakar

Deputy Director, Chronic Poverty Advisory Network; Research Fellow, IDS

+44 1273 915653


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