Thesis: Recognising the human right to water in Bolivia; implications for water rights and environmental integrity in peri-urban Cochabamba
Anna is a STEPS DPhil who holds a BSc in Anthropology from University College London and an MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development from the Development Planning Unit at UCL. Before starting her DPhil, Anna worked as a project coordinator for an environmental regeneration charity in North London, working in conjunction with community groups, public bodies and the private sector to deliver a broad range of sustainable physical and community-development focused projects. Before that she worked as a research assistant with the Medical Research Council. Her current research focus is around how recognising the Right to Water affects access to water in peri- urban communities outside of Cochabamba, Bolivia; how government-led public sector approaches to improving access to affordable water interact with informal providers in peri- urban areas such as cooperatives. Her thesis also considers what impact formal and informal modes of provision have on local environmental integrity; how formal and informal approaches to water provision might lead to different pathways to sustainability.