
Paul Knipe

Paul Knipe

Director of Consultancy, Impact and Influence, Itad

Paul Knipe is Director of Consultancy, Impact and Influence at INTRAC. His interests include knowledge brokering, accompanied learning, and locally led approaches to influence policymaking and strengthen civil society.

Before joining INTRAC, Paul ran research, knowledge translation, and learning initiatives at the Institute of Development Studies, including the Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development programme (K4D). He worked in Myanmar and Sri Lanka for seven years as a VSO volunteer, as Country Representative with Democracy Reporting International, and as Deputy Officer-in-Charge at Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development.



K4D Learning Journey on Civil Society

This Learning Journey aimed to establish a more effective approach to two-way learning with the civil society sector in order to share and develop wider FCDO (then DFID) policy and programmes. It therefore responded to internal policy directives, the objectives of the SDGs, the Commonwealth...


K4D Prosperity Fund COVID-19 Evidence and Learning Initiative

This Evidence and Learning Initiative was a cooperation with the Prosperity Fund (PF). It helped to ensure that in the current context of COVID-19, changes to the existing PF portfolio (and investments in new ones) are informed by and contribute to the evidence base on how the pandemic is...


Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) Knowledge Translation Support

This knowledge translation project aims to increase the visibility, support and uptake of research generated by IDRC’s cohort of CORE research projects, to foster evidence-based policymaking for response to and recovery from the socio-economic impacts of Covid-19.


Covid Collective Research Platform

The Covid Collective Research Platform will offer a rapid social science research response to inform decision-making on some of the most pressing Covid-19 related development challenges.



Reflecting back on K4D’s achievements: 2018 to 2022

The Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development (K4D) programme has provided a rapid research helpdesk, knowledge brokering, and learning service for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and other UK Aid-spending government departments since October 2016. I joined IDS to...

11 February 2022


What works for successful learning processes?

The UK Aid sector has faced unprecedented challenges over the last 18 months due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, reduction in funding, and shake up of the politics and policy driving development. Constant throughout all the debates and changes has been the importance of quality evidence...

6 September 2021


K4D: a model for effective evidence and learning

The UK Aid sector has faced unprecedented challenges over the last 18 months due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, reduction in funding, and shake up of the politics and policy driving development. Constant throughout all the debates and changes has been the importance of quality evidence and...

Joanna Howard
Joanna Howard & 2 others

2 July 2021



Pandemic Perspectives: Why Different Voices and Views Matter

IDS Bulletin 53.3

Responding effectively to the Covid-19 crisis and in ways that address systemic inequalities in the longer term raises many challenges – and opportunities – for researchers and commissioners of research. Launched in October 2020, the Covid Collective brought together the expertise...

29 July 2022

Paul Knipe’s recent work

Past Event

Mainstreaming Nature: institutions, capacity, and evidence

The Leaders’ Pledge for Nature includes a commitment to put nature and biodiversity on a road to recovery by 2030 through mainstreaming nature into all government policy and investments. Ahead of COP26 the UK is working with the multilateral banks to integrate nature across their operations,...

4 August 2021

Past Event

Increasing financial flows and the role of finance in sustaining nature

Protecting and enhancing our world’s natural assets, and the biodiversity that underpins them, is crucial to achieving a sustainable, resilient economy, as well as tackling poverty, climate change and preventing future pandemics. Launched at the beginning of this year, The Dasgupta Review on...

21 July 2021

Past Event

Oceans and marine ecosystems: challenges, drivers and solutions

Healthy oceans, marine and coastal ecosystems provide a number of ecosystem services including climate change mitigation and play a key role in livelihoods and economic activities. Biodiversity loss, degradation and climate change are key threats for these ecosystems. Sustainable use of marine...

7 July 2021