
Tanvi Bhatkal

Tanvi Bhatkal

Postdoctoral Researcher

Tanvi is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Development Studies. She has ten years of research experience drawing on her interdisciplinary training in human geography, development studies, economics and political science.

Tanvi’s research takes an intersectional approach to examine public policy, cultural politics and everyday lived experience of urban citizenship through the lens of infrastructure. Currently, she is currently working on the Global Challenges Research Fund project ‘Towards Brown Gold’ which seeks to reimagine off-grid sanitation and address the challenges of marginality, sanitation and wastewater in rapidly urbanizing towns across Asia and Africa. Tanvi is also teaching on the modules ‘Ideas in Development and Policy, Evidence and Practice’ and ‘Politics of Gender’ at IDS.

She has a PhD in Geography from the University of Cambridge, where her doctoral research examined the everyday gendered politics of urban infrastructure and belonging in the context of ethno-religious segregation in Mumbai, India.



Towards Brown Gold: Wa, Ghana

Wa, the most urbanised town in the Upper West Region, faces significant sanitation challenges, along with many other towns in Ghana. These challenges are worsened by a lack of government action and planning, and embedded socio-cultural and gendered practices. Private companies and city...


Towards Brown Gold: Nanded, India

Nanded is a fast-growing city in the Nanded district, Maharashtra. The city pioneered a city-wide community-led total sanitation (CLTS) in 2011. But challenges still exist, and poor communities face barriers in accessing sanitation infrastructure. Nanded has a rapidly growing population – a...


Towards Brown Gold: Nepal

Nepal was declared open defecation free (ODF) in 2019 by former prime minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli. However, sanitation challenges persist. The Towards Brown Gold project is working in two rapidly growing cities in south-western Nepal: Gulariya and Lumbini. We are bringing together natural...


Towards Brown Gold: Mekelle, Tigray region in northern Ethiopia

Mekelle, the capital of Tigray, suffers from water scarcity, and water bodies are often contaminated by overflowing wastewater. The war which started in 2021 and the ongoing famine pose severe risks to lives and livelihoods with several million displaced. Mekelle has been hosting approximately...



Between the cracks of the sanitation grid: a photo story of Nanded

Access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation are intrinsically linked. Without a clean, safe source of water nearby it is nearly impossible for communities to have adequate sanitation facilities, and inadequate sanitation facilities often spill over and pollute drinking water sources....

Lyla Mehta
Lyla Mehta & 3 others

24 August 2022
