
BRICS Economic Engagement Footprint Study

The first phase of the research looked at the nature of economic relations between the BRICS and Africa, in order to quantify the development footprint, focusing on various elements such as trade, investment. finance, overseas development aid and migration.

Recent work on this includes:  

The current phase aims to look at development finance and the role of BRICS development banks.

Recent work includes:

Key contacts

Project details

start date
1 April 2012
end date
3 December 2016


About this project

Recent work


What Next for the BRICS Bank?

IDS Rapid Response Briefing;3

A new development bank to be created by the 'Rising Powers' of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) is intended to promote greater cooperation between developing countries, and address what is seen by many as a history of misguidance and underinvestment by the World Bank and the...

12 December 2013


What is the Economic Engagement Footprint of Rising Powers in Africa?

Policy Brief 41

This Policy Briefing shows that economic engagement with countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is not that different to that of OECD countries.

6 September 2013