
Evidence Matters – a briefing series providing syntheses of impact evaluation

Evidence Matters is a policy brief based on one or more systematic reviews on international development. Systematic reviews aim to provide unbiased assessment of what works and why by identifying relevant studies and synthesising quantitative and qualitative evidence.

Using explicit, rigorous and transparent methods, they aim to include all published and unpublished research relevant to the research questions and to synthesise the findings in a way that is easily accessibleto those making policy or practice decisions.  

IDS Knowledge Services are working with the International Initiaive for Impact Evaluation (3ie) to produce the briefing series which provide:

  • Key findings and lessons learned
  • Implications for policies and programmes
  • Synthesis of impact evaluations

Evidence Matters is aimed at policymakers and practitioners worldwide, and is freely available from IDS, 3ie and can also be accessed on Eldis.

Issues include:

  1. Zero child hunger: breaking the cycle of malnutrition (pdf), based on: Masset, E., Haddad, L., Cornelius, A. and Isaza-Castro, J., A systematic review of agricultural interventions that aim to improve nutritional status of children (pdf)

Key contacts

Project details

start date
29 November 2011
end date
29 November 2014
