Journal Article


China and International Development: Challenges and Opportunities

Published on 15 July 2014

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Watch Again: Perspectives from the Editors of “China and International Development”, given at an IDS seminar on 7 July 2014

In parallel to its domestic economic boom, China has also been growing as an international actor and as a ‘Rising Power’ in global development.

This IDS Bulletin focuses on China’s development strategy and its own development experience, its increasing involvement in development activities in low- and middle-income countries, as well as its collaboration with OECD-DAC members in international development, and its growing engagement in global governance structures.

Articles contribute valuable expertise and insight from both Chinese and non-Chinese perspectives, to map the shifting landscape of China’s engagement in global development, and contribute to mutual understanding between traditional donors and rising powers in development cooperation. The aim of this issue is to contribute to dialogue between decision-makers, policy analysts and researchers in China, the UK and other countries, about strategies for supporting development.

Table of contents

Preface – Melissa Leach

Introduction – China and International Development: Challenges and Opportunities – Jing Gu, Xiulan Zhang, Xiaoyun Li and Gerry Bloom

China’s Role in the Rising of the South: Vision for 2030 – Angang Hu, Yuning Gao, Yilong Yan and Xing Wei

Difference or Indifference: China’s Development Assistance Unpacked – Xiaoyun Li, Dan Banik, Lixia Tang and Wu Jin

China’s Role in Burma’s Development- Neil Renwick

The Impact of China on the Donor Landscape in African Fragile States – Richard Schiere

China’s Role in Africa: Implications for Governance and Development in Fragile States – Jing Gu and Anthony Carty

China and the BRICS Development Bank: Legitimacy and Multilateralism in South-South Cooperation – Adriana Erthal Abdenur

China’s Development Finance: What Issues for Reporting and Monitoring Systems? – Jiajun Xu and Richard Carey

Business Borderlands: China’s Overseas State Agribusiness – Xiuli Xu, Gubo Qi and Xiaoyun Li

China’s Foreign Aid Policy and Architecture: Strengths and Weaknesses – Lan Xue and Yunnan Chen


Jing Gu

Research Fellow, Centre Director

Gerald Bloom

Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
Gu, J., Zhang, X., Bloom, G. and Li, X.
IDS Bulletin, volume 45, issue 4


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