
Evidence Report 37

Rising Powers in International Development: Building an Agenda for Collaboration

Published on 1 October 2013

In May 2012, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) marked the launch of it’s Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) programme with a workshop which brought together participants from potential partner institutions in the BRICS countries to discuss an agenda for future collaboration in research, teaching, and policy work.

The workshop focused on development theory, development policy, development practice, and development resource flows; through conceptual and methodological framework development and scoping at the country level, in specific sectors, and in ‘AidLand’ more generally.

The workshop brought together a diverse group of actors, including researchers and practitioners working in international development in the BRICS and beyond; and provided an opportunity to share and gain new perspectives on the state of the debate of development across the BRICS.

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Constantine, J. (2013) 'Rising Powers in International Development: Building an Agenda for Collaboration', IDS Evidence Report 37, Brighton: IDS


Jennifer Constantine

Policy Engagement and Research Consultant

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published by
Constantine, J.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 37


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