
Sustaining Growth and Structural Transformation in Africa: How Can a Stable and Efficient Financial Sector Help?

Published on 11 December 2013

The DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) produces a range of knowledge products which link the research of DEGRP to a number of research and policy debates on the following themes: agriculture; financial markets; and innovation and growth. The theme of structural transformation is the basis of much of the programme’s work; the concept involves productivity change through broad-based shifts in employment across sectors. This paper relates to the financial markets theme and draws together a number of essays that emerged from a public debate in Ghana on ‘What does it take to build a stable and efficient financial sector for sustaining growth and structural transformation in Africa?’

Publication details

te Velde, D.W. and Griffith-Jones, S.
te Velde, D.W. and Griffith-Jones, S.


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