
Creative Praxis and Working with Children and Young People

Published on 23 February 2022

The series of Rejuvenate dialogues are intended to foster discussion and debate across a community of practitioners working on child and youth rights. Dialogue three explored the transformative capacity of creative praxis and how it can strengthen rights and participation for children and young people. During the dialogue, we highlighted the importance of moving from the UNCRC’s 3Ps (protection, provision, participation) to the 3Ss (space, support, system change).

Safe spaces can build confidence and decision-making capacity. Support and active listening fosters inter-generational community building. Meanwhile, system change involves challenging the social hierarchies that reproduce ‘adultism’ and exclusionary mentalities towards young people. On the 23rd February 2022, we gathered online with three key speakers and a diversity of participants from around the world to reflect upon the role of creative practice when working with children and young people. Three key speakers presented their experiences before a short Question & Answers session.

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Rejuvenate (2022) Creative Praxis and Working with Children and Young People, Rejuvenate Dialogue 23 February 2022, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/REJUVENATE.2022.002

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Institute of Development Studies


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