
Frontiers of CLTS 11

Engaging Men and Boys in Sanitation and Hygiene Programmes

Published on 21 September 2024

This issue of Frontiers of CLTS shares and builds on the learning from a desk study that explores examples of men’s and boys’ behaviours and gender roles in sanitation and hygiene (S&H). Of particular interest is the extent to which the engagement of men and boys in S&H processes is leading to sustainable and transformative change in households and communities and reducing gendered inequality.
The review focuses on men and boys: how to engage them (or not), how to mobilise them as allies in the transformation of S&H outcomes and the problems they contribute to and experience.

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Cavill, S.; Mott, J. and Tyndale-Biscoe, P., with Bond, M.; Huggett, C. and Wamera, E. (2018) Engaging Men and Boys in Sanitation and Hygiene Programmes, Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 11, Brighton: IDS, CLTS Knowledge Hub

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published by
Institute of Development Studies


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