Working Paper

IDS working papers;120

Governance and Upgrading: Linking Industrial Cluster and Global Value Chain Research

Published on 1 January 2000

What is the scope for local upgrading strategies where producers operate in global value chains? This paper examines the interaction of global chain governance and local industrial cluster governance and unpacks the key issue of whether insertion in a global value chain enhances or undermines local upgrading strategies.

It distinguishes between different types of upgrading and different kinds of chain governance and unravels the risks involved for local and global actors in value chains in order to identify the scope and focus of upgrading strategies.

Cite this publication

Schmitz, H. and Humphrey, J. (2000) Governance and Upgrading: Linking Industrial Cluster and Global Value Chain Research, IDS Working Paper 120, Brighton: IDS.


John Humphrey

Professorial Fellow

Hubert Schmitz

Emeritus Fellow

Publication details

published by
Humphrey, J. and Schmitz, H.
IDS Working Paper, issue 120
1 85864 334 1


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