Journal Article

IDS Bulletin Vol. 46 Nos. 4

If Not Now, When? Reasserting Beijing for a Progressive Women’s Rights Agenda in 2015 and Beyond

Published on 19 July 2015

Women’s rights organisations have been central to progress on women’s rights and gender equality since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA).

Drawing on interviews and a survey carried out in January 2015 with 13 Womankind Worldwide’s partner organisations, the myriad ways in which women’s movement actors draw strategically on the BPfA as appropriate to their context are explored, along with universally?shared implementation challenges.

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This article comes from the IDS Bulletin 46.4 (2015) If Not Now, When? Reasserting Beijing for a Progressive Women’s Rights Agenda in 2015 and Beyond

Cite this publication

Hunt, A. (2015) If Not Now, When? Reasserting Beijing for a Progressive Women's Rights Agenda in 2015 and Beyond. IDS Bulletin 46(4): 108-114

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published by
Institute of Development Studies


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