
IDS Policy Briefing 91

Is China’s Role in African Fragile States Exploitative or Developmental?

Published on 1 March 2015

China’s increasing engagement in Africa has generated heated debates over the extent to which its activities are exploitative or developmental. There is particular concern over China’s impact on governance in fragile states. However, these debates often make generalisations and leave out African agency.

This Policy Briefing takes a closer look at Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and finds that there is a large gap between China’s policy and practice. It finds that the ways in which African actors promote, respond to and negotiate its engagement is crucial in shaping the extent to which China contributes to development.

Cite this publication

Gu, J. and McCluskey, R. with support from Mushi, F.M. (2015) 'Is China’s Role in African Fragile States Exploitative or Developmental?', IDS Policy Briefing 91, Brighton: IDS


Jing Gu

Research Fellow, Centre Director

Rhiannon McCluskey

Communications and Impact Manager

Publication details

published by
Gu, J. and McCluskey, R. with support from Mushi, F.M.
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 91


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