
Making All Voices Count Research Report

Poverty, voice and advocacy: a Haitian study

Published on 1 December 2017

Over the past ten years, Fonkoze (a non-profit organisation in Haiti) has adapted the ‘graduation’ model of lifting families out of extreme poverty through its Chemen Lavi Miyò (CLM) or ‘pathway to a better life’ programme. Yet despite international recognition for this approach, Fonkoze’s work is little known within Haitian policy circles on social protection and poverty.

This paper is the product of a 12-month action research project by Fonkoze with support from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). It used a rapid outcome mapping approach (ROMA) as a framework for creating an advocacy strategy through which Fonkoze could influence the development of Haiti’s social protection policy. It also aimed to give voice and promote downwards accountability to people who have lived experience of ultra-poverty by enabling them to articulate their views within the policy process.

The report concludes by highlighting the problem that donors tend to channel their resources through separate government ministries or departments, which though inevitable (to some extent) given the context, is also unhelpful in promoting a coordinated social protection policy.

Cite this publication

Simanowitz, A. and Greeley, M. (2017) Poverty, voice and advocacy: a Haitian study, Making All Voices Count Research Report, Brighton: IDS


Martin Greeley

Research Fellow

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Simanowitz, A. and Greeley, M.


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