Working Paper

Working Paper

Shock-Responsive Social Protection in the Sahel: Niger, Mauritania, and Senegal

Published on 26 July 2023

In the face of shocks that are recurrent, predictable, interrelated, and multi-annual, governments and the international community are increasingly looking to the potential of shock-responsive and adaptive social protection to address multidimensional risk in a sustainable and integrated manner.

This is the case in the West African Sahel, where social protection systems are being strengthened and an array of new delivery approaches are underway to coordinate efforts and address shocks related primarily to food security arising out of climate and conflict-related shocks and displacement. Drawing on more detailed assessment of shock-responsive policy and programming in Niger, Mauritania, and Senegal, and informed by current global thinking, this paper identifies key issues, trends, and lessons learnt, and highlights emerging themes for support and engagement.

Cite this publication

Watson, C. (2023) Shock-Responsive Social Protection in the Sahel: Niger, Mauritania, and Senegal, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/IDS.2023.038


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