
IDS Policy Briefing 117

The Global Importance of Including Mental Health Carers in Policy

Published on 1 May 2016

Globally, there is growing awareness of the need to prioritise mental health as a development issue, with a historic step achieved by the inclusion of mental health in the Sustainable Development Goals. Less understood is the impact that providing care for people who are struggling with mental illness has on those who provide it.

Drawing from the experiences of an organisation who works with mental health carers, this briefing highlights the importance of widening the global mental health agenda to include local carers’ voices, greater government investment in mental health with social protection schemes for carers, flexible paid employment arrangements, and innovative mental health care actions.

Cite this publication

Robertson, G. (2016) 'The Global Importance of Including Mental Health Carers in Policy', IDS Policy Briefing 117, Brighton: IDS

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Robertson, G
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 117


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