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Journal Article

Rights Talk and Rights Practice: Challenges for Southern Africa

IDS Bulletin Vol. 34 Nos. 3

“Rights-based approaches” are increasingly seen as a core component of development by donors, NGOs and governments alike (see, for example, Haussermann 1998, Maxwell 1999). With clearly specified, legally-enshrined and universal rights, it is argued, citizens can voice their demands on the...

28 January 2016

Journal Article

Demythologising Gender in Development: Feminist Studies in African Contexts

IDS Bulletin Vol. 35 Nos. 4

Feminism – an international political and intellectual movement to challenge the subordination of women – has many roots and trajectories. The theoretical and practical aspects of this movement draw connections between the local and the global manifestations of women’s ongoing...

Amina Mama

28 January 2016

Journal Article

Success Stories from African Agriculture: What are the Key Elements of Success?

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

Success is not a word often heard when dealing with contemporary issues in agriculture in sub Saharan Africa. For 30 years, the overall picture has been one of failure. While other regions of the developing world have seen increases in agricultural production per capita, sub-Saharan Africa has...

Steve Wiggins

28 January 2016

Journal Article

Investing in Africa: The Political Economy of Agricultural Growth

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

If investments are good for growth, then a question which has always exercised the minds of economists and policy-makers historically, is just how to generate, attract, secure and sustain them. This is not a question to which there are easy answers, although there is no shortage of economic...

28 January 2016

Journal Article

Is There a Future for Family Farming in West Africa?

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

Agriculture is centrally important to the West African economy, providing 30–50 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in most countries, the major source of income and livelihoods for 70–80 per cent of the population, food supplies, and revenue from cash crop exports. Globally, the...

Camilla Toulmin
Bara Guèye

28 January 2016

Journal Article

“Seven Fat Years and Seven Lean Years”? Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

Climate change and variability of climate are currently subject to some debate (e.g. IPCC 2001; Lomborg 2001). Despite the debate between those convinced of the reality of human-induced climate change and those who are contrarians, past impacts of climate variability, including droughts, are...

Coleen Vogel

28 January 2016

Journal Article

HIV/AIDS and Agriculture in Southern Africa: What Difference Does It Make?

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

In any examination of the future of African agriculture, the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural livelihoods has to be taken into account. If you live in Southern Africa, and have extended family, it is likely that your life has been affected by HIV/AIDS. It is probable that a relative of yours, even...

Michael Drinkwater

28 January 2016

Journal Article

Key Challenges for Technology Development and Agricultural Research in Africa

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

Agricultural development is a sine qua non for improving livelihoods in Africa’s predominantly rural economies, yet agricultural productivity has hardly improved and African food production per capita continues to decline. This is not because of a lack of planning efforts, but rather because...

Monty Jones

28 January 2016

Journal Article

A “Blue Revolution” for African Agriculture?

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

The 2005 report from the Commission for Africa rightly notes that agricultural performance is a driver of poverty trends in the continent. In terms of water for agriculture, the report focuses on the challenges of increasing spending on physical irrigation infrastructure and extending the area...

Synne Movik
Synne Movik & 3 others

28 January 2016

Journal Article

Transport, Poverty and Agrarian Change in Africa: Models, Mechanisms and New Ways Forward

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

Nearly every major study of African agriculture states that the lack of quality roads is one of, if not the, major constraint to agricultural input and output markets, and hence productivity growth and poverty alleviation. Road projects are some of the largest funded donor projects in Africa,...

Aaron deGrassi

28 January 2016

Journal Article

Livelihoods Research Findings and Agriculture-led Growth

IDS Bulletin Vol. 36 Nos. 2

The findings of livelihoods research conducted in East Africa and Malawi demonstrate that the role of agriculture in contributing to poverty reduction in sub-Sahara African countries is rather more complicated than the apparently straightforward mechanisms portrayed by enthusiasts for...

Godfrey Bahiigwa & 2 others

28 January 2016

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