Past Event

Support Bangladesh’s Covid-19 response and recovery: call for proposals

3 February 2022 16:00–17:00

Please join us for the launch of Covid-19 Learning, Evidence and Research Programme for Bangladesh (CLEAR) and hear about our call for proposals.

CLEAR is a two-and-half year research programme led by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in partnership with the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD).

Watch the video

A coalition of Bangladesh research partners to support the Covid-19 response

We aim to build a coalition of Bangladesh research organisations and partners to:

  1. support evidence-informed Covid-19 response and recovery and;
  2. improve preparedness to tackle future crises in Bangladesh.

We will be launching our call for proposals, with £1 million funding available.


  • Sohela Nazneen, CLEAR Director and Research Fellow, IDS
  • Peter Taylor, Director of Research, IDS
  • Imran Matin, Executive Director, BIGD
  • Judith Herbertson, Development Director, FCDO

If you are not able to attend the launch, but are interested in hearing more about our call, please contact us at: [email protected]. Alternatively, sign up to our mailing list.

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