
Giulia Mascagni

Giulia Mascagni

IDS Research Fellow and ICTD Executive Director

Giulia Mascagni’s main area of work is taxation, but she also has research interest in public finance, evaluation of public policy, and aid effectiveness. She is an economist by training, holding a PhD in Economics from the University of Sussex. Her main geographical interest lies in African countries, with a particular focus on Ethiopia and Rwanda.

Giulia is currently working at IDS as Research Fellow and as Executive Director of the International Centre for Taxation and Development (ICTD) since July 2024. At IDS she teaches economics, taxation and public finance at the postgraduate level and on professional short courses. Previously she worked as Associate Tutor at the University of Sussex, as an independent consultant for ITAD, the World Bank, the Overseas Development Institute, and as Adviser and Trainee at the European Commission.

Giulia has field experience in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Rwanda, amongst others. In Ethiopia she worked as Associate Economic Affaires Officer at the UN Economic Commission for Africa and she was Resident Researcher at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute in Addis Ababa.

In Rwanda, Giulia led a set of large-scale field experiments aiming to understand the determinants of tax compliance.

Languages: Italian (native) and English (fluent) French (advanced)

ICTD Publications

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Conceptualisation of Earmarked Taxes to Support Food Fortification

Food fortification is one of the most rapid, cost-effective, scalable and evidence-based impactful strategies to reach hundreds of millions to combat micronutrient malnutrition, when delivered as intended (Horton, 2006, Keats et al., 2019; Mbuya et al., 2020; Saha et al, 2021). However, the...


International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD)

The International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) provides research evidence that supports developing countries in raising domestic revenues equitably and sustainably, in a manner that is conducive to pro-poor economic growth and good governance.



Addressing gender disparities in tax expenditures

As the fiscal space of governments worldwide is becoming more constrained, ensuring efficient use of revenues is moving up policy agendas. Tax expenditures are benefits granted through the tax system to specific groups, sectors, or activities. With trillions of dollars spent through these...

Sofia Berg & 2 others

4 September 2024


How to tax the ultra-rich: G20 proposal vs. the tools at hand

"It is important for all taxpayers, including the ultra-high-net-worth individuals, to contribute their fair share in taxes," said the finance ministers and central bankers in a joint statement marking the conclusion of two days of meeting in Brazil. Brazil, which this year is presiding over...

5 August 2024


Giulia Mascagni’s recent work

Past Event

Towards a digital tax administration: lessons learnt and directions for reform

Governments across the African continent are investing heavily in digital transformation and have made huge progress in the past decade. Many core functions such as tax filing and payment are fully digitised in many contexts. The development of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) has been key to...

From 12 December 2024 until 13 December 2024

Past Event

Randomised control trials and complexity in tax interventions

The RCT debate is often heated: it seems you can only either love or hate them. This seminar aims to spark a cooler discussion about the pros and cons of RCTs, using the practical examples of two studies on taxation in Rwanda. Watch now Tax...

23 May 2023



The Governance research cluster works across a number of thematic areas that are focused on ensuring citizens are represented and governed fairly in a world of changing state authorities. Our work critically examines public authority and the institutions, networks and politics that shape it....