
Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium

This consortium of researchers from 21 institutions in Africa, Europe and America undertook a major research programme exploring the connections between disease and environment in Africa.

It embraced an integrated, multidisciplinary – or One Health– approach to generate evidence and advance understandings of the complex relationships between zoonotic (animal-to-human) disease transmission, ecosystems and wellbeing with the objective of informing effective poverty and public health interventions. The Consortium worked in Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and focused on henipavirus infection, Rift Valley fever, Lassa fever and trypanosomiasis respectively.

Read more from the consortium on the difference it has made in tackling zoonoses.

For more information about the consortium’s work, its approach and the people involved, please visit its website.


Recent work


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Rethinking One Health

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Celebrating One Health Day 2017

The second international One Health Day is marked on Friday 3 November – drawing attention to the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health. See our resources on this theme.

2 November 2017