Working Paper

IDS Working Paper 532

Cash Transfer Programming: Trends and Patterns Among Irish Aid’s Partners

Published on 14 October 2019

Cash transfer programming (CTP) constitutes one component of both social protection systems as well as humanitarian interventions. CTP can provide long-term support to poor and vulnerable populations as part of emerging social protection systems and also short-term emergency assistance in humanitarian contexts.

Given the increasing trend towards CTP by different actors, priority is being given to harmonisation and coordination. In order to successfully adapt, harmonise, manage, and collaborate among partners, it is necessary to generate awareness of the different actors’ engagement modes (approaches, settings, modalities, targeting, and delivery methods). This paper elaborates on the advantages and disadvantages of using cash in relation to in-kind support, and presents the strategies used by a range of Irish Aid’s partners – multilaterals, bilaterals, and non-government organisations – to engage with CTP. The aim of this stakeholder mapping exercise is to increase Irish Aid’s knowledge on partner approaches and to enhance CTP engagement in complex contexts.

Cite this publication

Szyp, C. and Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2019) Cash Transfer Programming: Trends and Patterns Among Irish Aid’s Partners, IDS Working Paper 532, Brighton: IDS


Carolina Holland-Szyp

Research Officer

Rachel Sabates-Wheeler

Research Fellow

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