Journal Article

Global Health Action 10.4

Experiences of Using a Participatory Action Research Approach to Strengthen District Local Capacity in Eastern Uganda

Published on 31 August 2017

To achieve a sustained improvement in health outcomes, the way health interventions are designed and implemented is critical. A participatory action research approach (PAR) is applauded for building local capacity such as health management, thereby increasing the chances of sustaining health interventions.

This study explored stakeholder experiences of using PAR to implement an intervention meant to strengthen the local district capacity. This was a qualitative study featuring 18 informant interviews and a focus group discussion. Respondents included politicians, administrators, health managers and external researchers in three rural districts of eastern Uganda where PAR was used. Qualitative content analysis was used to explore stakeholders’ experiences.

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Moses Tetui, Anna-Britt Coe, Anna-Karin Hurtig, Elizabeth Ekirapa-Kiracho & Suzanne N. Kiwanuka (2017) Experiences of using a participatory action research approach to strengthen district local capacity in Eastern Uganda, Global Health Action, 10:sup4, 1346038, DOI:10.1080/16549716.2017.1346038

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published by
Taylor & Francis
Tetui, M. et al.
Global Health Action, volume 10, issue 4


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