
External Evaluation of Mobile Phone Technology-based Nutrition and Agriculture Advisory Services in Africa Mobile Phones, Nutrition, and Health in Tanzania: Qualitative Follow-up Study Report

Published on 31 March 2020

This endline report presents the findings of the third and final round of qualitative data collection conducted in March 2019. Data collection was carried out by OPM Tanzania, in close coordination with the IDS qualitative team led by Dr Inka Barnett.

This report is narrower in scope than the previous qualitative reports: its main objective is to explore some of the issues and impact areas highlighted in the previous rounds of the evaluation as requiring more depth and exploration. More specifically, the qualitative follow-up study aims to: (1) identify the underlying reasons for sustained or continuous engagement with WN plus mNutrition in a context within which most mothers have disengaged with the service; and (2) explore pathways by which WN plus mNutrition services promote change in IYCF practices and dietary diversity (among children and mothers). The focus of the final qualitative data collection is on the subgroup of treatment mothers who are still signed up and actively using WN plus mNutrition, and the subgroup which used WN plus mNutrition for at least 12 months continuously but who no longer use the service.

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Barnett, I. Et al (2020) 'External evaluation of mobile phone technology-based nutrition and agriculture advisory services in Africa Mobile phones, nutrition, and health in Tanzania: Qualitative follow-up study report.' Report


Inka Barnett

Health and Nutrition Cluster Lead

Becky Faith

Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies

Rebecca Mitchell

Postgraduate Researcher and Programme Manager

Stephanie Brockerhoff
Deogardius Medardi

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