
Inka Barnett

Inka Barnett

Health and Nutrition Cluster Lead

Inka is a nutritionist (LSHTM) and epidemiologist (University of Cambridge) with over 9 years of experience in global health and nutrition research projects in Asia and Africa. She has extensive experience in designing and conducting quantitative and qualitative research studies and impact evaluations of development interventions. Her key research interests have been the use of ICTs for nutrition surveillance/real-time monitoring and behaviour change interventions.

She is currently leading several impact evaluations on the use of mobile phone technology for nutrition service delivery including an evaluation on real time nutrition monitoring for DFID’s Accountable Grant and rapid nutrition surveys for CIFF. She is Co-principal Investigator of a multi-country impact evaluation of the DFID/GSMA’s m-Nutrition initiative, a mobile phone technology based advisory service aiming to improve child nutrition in Africa and South Asia. Inka is also leading the qualitative stream of the Impact Evaluation of DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh and is conducting research on the linkages between nutrition and agriculture within the LANSA consortium.

Inka convenes the Impact Evaluation module for the the IDS MA programme and teaches in the short courses organised by the Transform Nutrition consortium.

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Systems Change Evaluation of the Food Culture Alliance

Food is more than a source of nutrients and energy; it plays a significant part in all aspects of human life, including in social interactions, emotions and psychological processes. Food has long been recognised as a powerful vehicle to express one’s identity, culture and lifestyle choices....


UNICEF Zambia Study

To reduce poverty more effectively and at the same time improve the nutrition and health of vulnerable children ( 2 years) and pregnant/breastfeeding women and adolescent girls, the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS), with technical support from UNICEF (under the...



Reflections on evaluating the mNutrition programme

For the past five years a consortium of researchers from Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Gamos and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) have been evaluating the impact of the mNutrition programme. Led by GSMA and supported by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development...

Inka Barnett
Inka Barnett & 4 others

18 December 2020


Journal Article

Improving Adolescents’ Food Choices: Learnings from the Bhalo Khabo Bhalo Thakbo (“Eat Well, Live Well”) Campaign in Bangladesh

Field Exchange Issue 66

This article details the co-design, implementation and early evaluation results of an initiative for promoting the consumption of nutritious foods in adolescents. The initiative involved school and community activities, social media and celebrity endorsements and a pledge for individual and...

Inka Barnett
Inka Barnett & 6 others

18 November 2021


Lessons Learned Brief for Ghana and Tanzania, External evaluation of mobile phone technology-based nutrition and agriculture advisory services in Ghana and Tanzania (mNutrition)

mNutrition was a five-year global initiative supported by the Department for International Development (DFID) between 2013 and 2018, organised by GSMA and implemented by in-country mobile network operators (MNOs) and other providers. The evaluation was carried out by a consortium of researchers...

Inka Barnett
Inka Barnett & 9 others

24 April 2020

Inka Barnett’s recent work

Past Event

Realist evaluation of mHealth

In this seminar, we will share experiences in using a realist evaluation in the evaluation of a global mobile phone-based programme aiming to change nutrition-related behaviours in Sub-Sahara Africa. Watch now More specifically, we drew on a...

16 December 2021