Journal Article

International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 8

How Does China’s Rise Affect the Green Transformation?

Published on 1 January 2015

The rising powers have become the default movers and shakers in the global economy, including the green economy. This article shows how China has become more powerful in renewable energy and examines the implications for the green transformation.

China exerts strong downward pressure on the costs of the transformation but the effects on the speed of this transformation are not yet clear. The paper suggests that a focus on public-private-civic alliances within and across countries is essential for understanding and fostering progress in accelerating the green transformation.

Cite this publication

Schmitz, H. (2015) ‘How Does China’s Rise Affect the Green Transformation?’, International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 8.1: 1-14


Hubert Schmitz

Emeritus Fellow

Publication details

Schmitz, H.
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, volume 8, issue 1


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