
ICTD Research in Brief 20

Norms, Networks, Power, and Control: Understanding Informal Payments and Brokerage in Crossborder Trade in Sierra Leone

Published on 27 June 2018

This ICTD Research in Brief is a two-page summary of ICTD Working Paper 74 by Vanessa van den Boogaard, Wilson Prichard and Samuel Jibao.

This series is aimed at policy makers, tax administrators, fellow researchers and anyone else who is big on interest and short on time. Governance practices in peripheral regions of low-income countries often diverge dramatically from statutory rules, with actual governance often representing a hybrid of formal rules and informal practices that are often highly normalised and widely accepted.

Cite this publication

Van den Boogaard, V; Prichard, W. and Jibao, S. (2018) Norms, Networks, Power, and Control: Understanding Informal Payments and Brokerage in Crossborder Trade in Sierra Leone, ICTD Research in Brief 20


Wilson Prichard

IDS Research Fellow and ICTD LoGRI Chair

Samuel Jibao

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ICTD Research in Brief, issue 20
English and French


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