
K4D Helpdesk Report

SDGs and current trends

Published on 9 August 2017

This report focuses on Agenda 2030 and the challenges of delivering the Global Goals and the implications of trends for the UK’s international development work.Section 2 focuses on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs/Global Goals) and the challenges of delivering them. These Global Goals will shape the world’s approach to growth and sustainable development until 2030. Building on the progress made by the Millennium Development Goals, this agenda sets out the framework through which the world will work together to combat the most pressing challenges of our time. Section 3 focuses on implications of trends for the UK’s international development work, with a particular focus on development spending globally. This section includes information on the operating context for international development, ‘megatrends’ and drivers of change. It also incorporates several government reports on aid spending and trends. Since 2015, the UK has legally committed itself to spending 0.7 per cent of its gross national income on official development assistance (ODA) each year. Following the decision to leave the EU, government reports have emphasised that the UK will be even more engaged internationally. They state that the multilateral system is vital to the UK and global interests and they will continue to be a committed supporter of it. DFID’s multilateral partnerships expand the reach of UK development and mobilise tremendous resources and expertise to tackle global challenges. In addition to this, section 3 also covers global ODA trends and there is a specific section on aid spending in the United States as they are the biggest donor and there have been big changes in their development spending very recently. This section finishes with a section including some quick and easy to read blogs on recent aid spending trends globally.

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Grant, C. (2017). SDGs and current trends. K4D Helpdesk Report 107. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies

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published by
Institute of Development Studies
Grant, Catherine


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