
Using Social Audits to Improve Delivery of State Nutrition-related Services: Lessons from the CAN Program

Published on 1 January 2020

This short brief summarises the key findings from the IDS-led independent evaluation of the Collective Action for Nutrition (CAN) Social Audit programme in Odisha, India.

The CAN programme was designed and implemented by the NGO, Society for Promoting Education and Rural Development (SPREAD) between 2016-2019. The evaluation was carried out between 2017-2019 in partnership with Development Corner Consulting (DCOR), India, with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH). Findings from the evaluation provide new evidence on the effectiveness of the social audit model for improving state nutrition services in India and lessons learned for replication and scale up.

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Gordon, J., Nisbett, N. and Tranchant, J.P. (2020) 'Using Social Audits to Improve Delivery of State Nutrition-related Services: Lessons from the CAN Program', Brighton: IDS


Jessica Gordon

Nutrition Evaluation Programme Manager and Postgraduate Researcher

Nicholas Nisbett

Research Fellow

Jean-Pierre Tranchant

Research Fellow

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