
Jessica Gordon

Jessica Gordon

Nutrition Evaluation Programme Manager and Postgraduate Researcher

Jessica joined IDS in 2013 as a Nutrition Evaluation Programme Manager based in the Health and Nutrition cluster. In this role she has managed several major mixed methods impact evaluation studies of nutrition, agriculture, digital and social accountability-related programmes in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to this she worked in various research and evaluation roles in the international NGO sector including at the International Rescue Committee and Fairtrade Foundation. She holds an MSc Degree in Anthropology, Environment and Development and BSc (Hons) Degree in Human Sciences from University College London.

Since September 2020 Jessica has also been studying part-time as a postgraduate researcher at IDS. Her research focuses on agricultural commercialisation models and food security and nutrition-related inequities in Tanzania, building on and bringing together ongoing research IDS and partners are involved in as part of the FRESH, APRA and A4NH SPEAR Programmes. Her supervisors are Nick Nisbett, John Thompson and Jody Harris based in the Health and Nutrition and Rural Futures research clusters.



Fruits and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH)

Poor diets are a primary cause of malnutrition and the leading cause of diseases worldwide. Improving diets, including increasing fruit and vegetable intake, could save one in five lives lost annually. Micronutrients and dietary fibre are essential for health; micronutrients from fruit and...


UNICEF Zambia Study

To reduce poverty more effectively and at the same time improve the nutrition and health of vulnerable children ( 2 years) and pregnant/breastfeeding women and adolescent girls, the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS), with technical support from UNICEF (under the...


Action on Children’s Harmful Work in African Agriculture

Action on Children’s Harmful Work in African Agriculture (ACHA) is a seven-year research programme supported by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) that started in January 2020. The aim of the programme is to build evidence on: the forms, drivers, and experiences of...



Healthy diets depend on equity and justice

This week it emerged that during 10 years of austerity, the height of UK children has fallen well behind global peers, with the average British boy and girl up to 5cm shorter than their European neighbours. Children’s height is used globally as a measure of health and wellbeing, and Britain...

30 June 2023



Lessons Learned Brief for Ghana and Tanzania, External evaluation of mobile phone technology-based nutrition and agriculture advisory services in Ghana and Tanzania (mNutrition)

mNutrition was a five-year global initiative supported by the Department for International Development (DFID) between 2013 and 2018, organised by GSMA and implemented by in-country mobile network operators (MNOs) and other providers. The evaluation was carried out by a consortium of researchers...

Inka Barnett
Inka Barnett & 9 others

24 April 2020

Jessica Gordon’s recent work

Past Event

Realist evaluation of mHealth

In this seminar, we will share experiences in using a realist evaluation in the evaluation of a global mobile phone-based programme aiming to change nutrition-related behaviours in Sub-Sahara Africa. Watch now More specifically, we drew on a...

16 December 2021