
Priya Raghavan

Research Officer



India elections: The gendered and sexual politics of national development

At an election rally in Rajasthan on 22 April 2024, India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, called for people not to vote for the chief opposition party, known as the Congress, claiming that they would distribute the nation’s wealth amongst “infiltrators'' - the ones “who have too many...

2 May 2024


Vocabularies of backlash in South Asia

In recent years, ‘backlash’ has gained increased recognition as a conceptual frame through which to understand and address disparate forms of resistance and repression encountered by women’s struggles across the globe. This contemporary interest has been prompted by the global...

25 March 2021


Working Paper

Participation For, With, and By Girls: Evidencing Impact

REJUVENATE Working Paper 2

This paper presents the findings of a review of publicly available, published evidence on the efficacy of development projects that self-identify as ‘girl-led’, both within academic literature and from established organisations working with girls.

Tessa Lewin
Tessa Lewin & 4 others

13 September 2023

Priya Raghavan’s recent work



The Governance research cluster works across a number of thematic areas that are focused on ensuring citizens are represented and governed fairly in a world of changing state authorities. Our work critically examines public authority and the institutions, networks and politics that shape it....