
Youth employment and politics

Over 40 percent of global populations are under 25 yet young people cannot secure work and increasingly face a crisis of citizenship. Youth Employment and Politics at IDS builds on decades of research to develop knowledge and evidence that contributes to effective interventions that supports, and creates opportunities, for youth action. 

Populations globally are young with more than 40 percent under 25 yet the opportunities for young people to secure work and shape their futures are under threat. Youth unemployment is rising, while young people increasingly face a crisis of citizenship where they feel marginalised politically, unable to influence decisions and policy that concern their future lives. It is a global development challenge that requires interdisciplinary, participatory, and gendered approaches to understand what must be done to support youth action and improve the opportunities available for young people to experience equitable lives, now and in the future.

At the Institute of Development Studies, Youth Employment and Politics is a strategic research initiative that builds on decades of work into the gendered and generational drivers that shape the conditions faced by young people, including defining their ability to have agency in shaping change. The research initiative includes focus on youth employment, identity, gendered experiences of work, politics of participation and activism, peace and security, and youth mobilities.

Our action orientated research approach is developed in partnership with a global network that spans government agencies, INGOs, youth activists and academic institutions that leads to knowledge, evidence, and learning that contributes to developing effective interventions. It also aligns directly to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and UN ‘Youth 2030’ strategy.



Recent work


New Handbook: Youth active citizenship for decent jobs

Today, IDS and three of our partners in Zimbabwe launch a Handbook that will help to integrate youth active citizenship strategies in employment interventions. It is not just the magnitude of youth unemployment that is a global challenge, but the creation of enough decent, good-quality jobs for...

17 March 2022